Voting Location Lookup Tools

The Voting Information Project offers states and partners no and low code solutions powered by the Google Civic Information API to help voters find reliable voting information in 13 languages simply by entering their home address, including:

Web Widget

The Voting Information Tool is an easily embeddable, mobile-optimized, and white-label voting information tool that offers official voting information–such as polling place and ballot information–to anyone using just a residential address. Powered by the Google Civic Information API, the tool can be easily embedded on any website and supports 13 languages. 

tool Demo:


Customization Tool

Using the VIP Embed tool:

Use  Voting Information Tool Embed Configurator to customize the tool and add branded content, including a logo or state seal, color, and text. 



VIP offers states and voter engagement partners two websites where voters can enter their home address to find voting information, including early voting, ballot drop off and election day voting locations as well as ballot information ahead of an election:

Both sites are powered by the Google Civic Information API and offer results in 13 languages.