Where Should the Voting Information Project Go From Here?

This piece was updated on Jan. 18, 2017, to correct Kathryn Peters’ work affiliation and to update the name of Google’s representative; and on Jan. 19, 2017, to add Chetan Sabnis, another Google representative.

A request for comments

As you may have heard, The Pew Charitable Trusts has initiated a planning process to determine the future of the Voting Information Project (VIP). And as part of that process, we are seeking input from the field on what stakeholders think should be the next phase of VIP.

To that end, we invite you to submit your views—ideally no more than 500 words—on the following topics:

  1. What should VIP continue to do? What should it change?

  2. What can VIP teach about—and learn from—its efforts?

  3. Are there other opportunities for VIP (or a project like it)?

  4. What changes to VIP would make election officials more or less likely to participate?

  5. What communities are currently being missed by projects like VIP, and how can we address those shortcomings?

  6. Who else is doing work in this space, and how might VIP contribute to those efforts—and vice versa?

  7. What other questions should we be asking?

The deadline for feedback is Monday, Jan. 30; please send your submissions to future@votinginfoproject.org

We plan to make the submissions available to the community; please let us know if you’d prefer not to be featured publicly.

We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your contributions.

Voting Information Project Working Group (Note: Affiliations are for identification purposes only.)

Alexis Schuler/Monica Leibovitz, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Chetan Sabnis, Google
Mike Hogan, Google
Samidh Chakrabati, Facebook
Marc Burris, North Carolina State Board of Elections
Paul Stenbjorn, Virginia Department of Elections
Brian Corley, Pasco County, Florida, Supervisor of Elections
Kathryn Peters, Democracy Works
Tiana Epps-Johnson, Center for Technology and Civic Life
Charles Stewart, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Clarence Wardell, United States Digital Service

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